Monday, November 29, 2010

part of you pours outta me in these lines from time to time

so i was going through my old blog last night and found these 2 gems. the 2nd is most gem-ish. i love you lady and miss yer guts.

...i'm drinking budlight...ok....

flying over unnamed places and people

yeeeehaw! finally back from a somewhat death trap-ish terribly unenjoyable thanksgiving break in Truckee, Ca.  well, i shouldn't say that.  it was fucking beautiful, we ate some really tasty food, there was 4 feet of snow and a sledding hill, watched jurassic park on a HUGE wall with a projector and some wine. but other than that, it was too many children, too many dad's and so much whining.  it's beautiful back here in SF. been watercoloring a bit today and ben and i are picking up the kiddies at school in a few minutes.  the first video on here is of a week or so ago at about sunset.  we walked up to bernal hill and CRAZY san francisco fog was rolling in and it was super windy and awesome. from the top of the hill at this time of night, usually you can see a 360 degree view of the city and it's lights...but as you can see the fog completely obliterated most visibility. it was awesome.  the 2nd is of Donner Lake in Truckee where we had thanksgiving.  i feel like lately every time i update this business i'm in some sort of rush so i can't think of anything interesting to say. oh well. i'll try harder next time. hehhhooooooyea!

Roasted Tempeh with portabellas, rosemary and thyme. YUM.


Ben's dad made up this awesome recipe for us and it was so delicious. Gluten-free vegan pumpkin pie. FUCK!

yeah so... this was the 2nd day we got here i think at the top of twin peaks. great. lookin' swell. great job!

a couple weeks ago we got pretty close to the golden gate without crossing it and paying the $5 toll!!???? just to cross it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

...i would choose a jetpack

heyyyyo! so the other day ben and i tried to walk to the tracks to watch some trains pass on by but didn't have too much luck. we ended up walking around this strange industrial area, through a somewhat sketchy looking mechanic/auto shop through some open gates to the underside of the freeway(as they call it here) and the caltrain tracks (like the amtrak). this is what it looked like under there. we only stayed for a bit, but it was pretty cool and seemed pretty free-range-ish in terms of picture painting.

...and then we have ben's drink of choice that evening with a nice lady on it.
other than that... shits been pretty mellowed out.
we leave for Donner Lake in Truckee, CA on wednesday till sunday for thanksgiving. it's the town where the actual Donner Party landed and then proceeded to eat eachother which is pretty intense and we just learned today that they just got 4 feet of snow which both ben and i are surprisingly excited about. it's 'bout time for some dinner and some wine so over and out!
under the bridge...get it?

just some regular old trash


great success!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

foggy evening

looking up from the bottom of the hill before the fog started rolling in

and here she comes!

finally drew something that i like. first page in the new sketchbookeroon

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

stupid videos

...okay so the first one is just a shaky tour of the upstairs house.
the second was taken at Amoeba Music on Haight St. We just wanted to show you the crazy-hugeness of that place. Conclusion: Bullmoose is way cheaper and more awesome. This place is just mindblowing because of it's hugeness and the amount of vinyl.
last, but not least! we have a quick view of golden gate park where ben and i only had to enter for less than 30 seconds before we were offered "buds". This dude told me the weed was called "george bush" and started talking all about it. it's funny out here, it seems like everyone is really particular about their weed and what kind they're smoking and all that. we were just happy to get some, because i've sorta been stressing out. we sat on a blanket for awhile. i took one hit and was super baketown for the next 4 hours. it was great. this is just a short depiction of me packing things up after the great success.

Bernal Hill

... in case you didn't see this baby already

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

For Chuck3y

Yep buddy bud

beers and babysitting!

can't ask for much more really? ....been feeling a bit under the weather lately, but getting better.
finally got that bag of weed i've been missing out on for 2 weeks. took one hit and was super duper high for about 5 hours. ...still not sure if it's because of the amount of time since i've smoked, or the weed quality. ben's gonna test it out with me tonight and hopefully we'll come to a conclusion.
more interesting news, soon to come.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

get your dirty mind out tha gutter!

this computer is about to die. but here's some shit from the last few days. still no success on the film develop-nation so heres some shit. took a tour of the city in the ol' minivan with michael and the kids today. more to come in the future. close


NOWHERE IS SAFE!!!! .. rereading the 7th one for the 239843th time just to refresh my memory before this baby hits theaters

this exists on the sidewalk of valencia street. awesome.

at least one meal a day consists of these little babies

the pyramid building in downtown! but we were actually in the north beach at this point 

so this is the greatest. this is at the george lucas digital center.... i don't really know what the center's purpose is, but who the fuck cares? YODA FOUNTAIN!!!!

beachtown. still haven't stepped in the pacific yet, but it's on my to do list.

Monday, November 8, 2010

walking all over

phew. today was a long day. ben and i decided to walk to haight street, to check it out, go to golden gate park, and possibly find some weed. it's quite a trek from our house in the first place, and it didn't help in the least that we missed haight street altogether and walked 8 blocks too far. but we finally made it. got some eats but by that time, we had to head back to scoop up the kids at school. kinda sucked, but we sure got some exercise! it was beautiful out again. a little brisk but sunny and great. we stopped at this camera shop so i could check to see if they would process my black and white film... of which i have about 283u4238 rolls. they said the could... for $17.99 per roll of 24. and mine are all 36. so fucked!!? gonna have to figure some shit out. it's kinda poopish cause i haven't been able to take the pictures i'd like to because i never feel like lugging around my stupid digital or my pentax cause they weight my bag down. so i've just been taking point and shoots with the camera my dad got me. it kinda just leaves me unsatisfied. pshhhs. tomorrow i think we might try our adventure again...and will probably pick a closer destination because of our other obligations in the afternoonish. either way. city is crazy. haight is filled with the hippest of hipsters. ben and i wear strictly all black whenever we go out in an attempt to combat the overwhelming surplus of trendy motherfuckers. but fuck em, this place rules.

dolores park and PALM trees

plant trees

cut paper in a window

it was a particularly long walk home today

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

pick up if you're there

On Valencia St.

walking down Valencia
down Clarion Alley.  unfinished.  we talked to the nice man painting this

down Clarion Alley

From Beyond

here we are here we go!!
Suze, Hattie-Rose, Zeke and I in our Day of the Dead outfits

playin with the kiddies in the backyard

3 burrito nation in our new place

acting a'fool and dodging cars in front of our house

our house weeeeeee!
Hattie and I day of the dead-ing

Ben made the salad

our street at night

our street at night, looking downish