Thursday, November 11, 2010

get your dirty mind out tha gutter!

this computer is about to die. but here's some shit from the last few days. still no success on the film develop-nation so heres some shit. took a tour of the city in the ol' minivan with michael and the kids today. more to come in the future. close


NOWHERE IS SAFE!!!! .. rereading the 7th one for the 239843th time just to refresh my memory before this baby hits theaters

this exists on the sidewalk of valencia street. awesome.

at least one meal a day consists of these little babies

the pyramid building in downtown! but we were actually in the north beach at this point 

so this is the greatest. this is at the george lucas digital center.... i don't really know what the center's purpose is, but who the fuck cares? YODA FOUNTAIN!!!!

beachtown. still haven't stepped in the pacific yet, but it's on my to do list.

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